Welcome To The Woman Way
The Woman Way is your way… it is your unique and magical journey of birth to life, of birthing yourself to life, in love
It’s cyclical and deepening like a spiral as it repeats itself over and over and over again
like the moon
like our feminine cycles
revealing each time something new and extraordinary
healing each time something old and broken
as you become better skilled at living and being
in your body
in your mind
and in your heart
About DeAnna

DeAnna Alvarez
I am DeAnna Alvarez, Directress, Sister, Priestess, Mother, Daughter and Guide along your journey here at The Woman Way. I teach Women’s Spirituality in a variety of forms: As a Women’s Life Mentor and Coach, Women’s Yoga Specialist and Women’s Circle Facilitator.
My work in Women’s Spirituality is rooted in my life’s path and practices in yoga, mentoring, sacred sexuality, holistic pregnancy and birth, attachment parenting, teachings, stories and practices of the divine feminine, connection and belonging to oneself, to the earth and to community.
I was birthed into this world at the right place, at the right time, to the right family and in the perfect way to begin my lifelong path of awakening. Along the path I have fallen into the normal self and societal challenges of human experience and continue to open to new ways of seeing old patterns and allow the infinite well of creative life force to flow from my being.
I have experienced deep love, innocent trust, painful abandonment, emotional abuse, physical illness and fearful disease. I have also known deep and humbling forgiveness, compassion, sheer bliss, sensual ecstasy, tender and ferocious mother love and playful joy. The range of emotions from light to dark have touched me and continue to spiral me deeper and deeper into my self-knowing, radical truth and conscious awakening.
I have grown to deeply love this life and the freedom I have found in being human and specifically, in being a Woman. I have great passion in offering the gifts of awareness I have gained to others. I am driven to assist others in figuring out the mysteries and unknowns that their journey brings them, so they too may learn to understand and possibly appreciate this life, and hopefully experience their own sense of deep love, personal freedom and collective connection as sentient beings of this sacred planet.
Other women, health and philosophy studies that inspire my work and life are Liz Koch, Starhawk, Christiane Northrup, MD, Ayurveda and the Weston Price Foundation, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Dr. Douglas Brooks, Dr. Bill Mahoney and Sally Kempton.
It is my hope to offer you hope, a fresh perspective, and insight into your own deep wisdom and power that is inherently yours, just because you are a Woman.

Yoni Mudra
Women’s Work
My Women’s Work has been a compilation of my studies in yoga, holistic birth, mothering and attachment parenting, nutrition, herbs, shamanism, temple arts and sacred dance, priestess and earth spirituality, folklore, storytelling, sacred sexuality, the mentor work of Pam England known as Living From Within and women’s spirituality with Chameli Ardagh.
“The essential experience of ‘loss of self’ is shared by women in general, and its antidote, ‘female spiritual authority’, is one of the main benefits of a women’s daily yoga practice. This is the same sense of inner sacred authorization perceived in the ancient figurines and painted images of women functioning as shamans, ritual priestesses, and yoginis.” ~ Vicki Noble, author Shakti Woman
Yoga Teacher

Feminine Power Yoga workshops that help women get in touch with movement that supports the unfolding of their lives in each phase of their womanhood
As a Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500, PRYT, Anusara Teacher, Women’s Yoga Teacher) I have done extensive studies and been inspired by the teachings of Sianna Sherman, Anodea Judith, Angela Farmer, Geeta Iyengar, Sara Avant Stover, David Swenson and John Friend. I teach mainly in the style I call Feminine Power Yoga, which supports a woman’s cyclical nature by merging the intelligence of postural alignment and the freedom and creativity of an intuitive flow that emerges from the feminine soul as a means to her physical well-being and spiritual awakening.
All began in love, all seeks to return in love. Love is the law, the teacher of wisdom, and the great revealer of mysteries. ~ Starhawk
Women’s Circle and Ceremony Facilitator

holding space for women to contemplate, share and heal through the tradition of a women’s circle
As a Women’s Circle and Ceremony Facilitator I have led women’s circles for women of all ages and throughout the postpartum period as well as Blessingways for young women and new mothers for over 10 years.
Birth Educator and Mentor
As a Birth Educator and Mentor (Birthing From Within), Certified Doula and Prenatal Yoga Teacher and Teacher Trainer (YA RPYT) I have been trained by Miami midwives as well as Pam England and her teachings through Birthing From Within. My work is also inspired by the work of Ina May Gaskin, Robin Lim, Elena Torontolova, Elizabeth Davis and Michel Odent.